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Curriculum Alignment : AUS
Curriculum Alignment : AUS


Julija avatar
Written by Julija
Updated over a week ago

As you can see below, we have mapped our  STEAM based program for students from 6yo - 17yo in line with the digital technologies curriculum.  We have purposely identified elements of our program and how they fit within different classifications under the digital technologies category.

Specific Curriculum outcomes covered:


Learning in Digital Technologies at TinkerTank builds on concepts, skills and processes. We focus on developing foundational skills in computational thinking and an awareness of personal experiences using digital systems. 

Students will have opportunities to create a range of digital solutions through guided play and integrated learning, such as using robotics to navigate a map or recording science data with software applications. 

Students begin to learn about common digital systems and patterns that exist within data they collect. Students organise, manipulate and present this data, including numerical, categorical, text, image, audio and video data, in creative ways to create meaning.

Students use the concept of abstraction when defining problems, to identify the most important information, such as the significant steps involved in making a sandwich. They begin to develop their design skills by conceptualising algorithms as a sequence of steps for carrying out instructions, such as identifying steps in a process or controlling robotic devices.

Students describe how information systems meet information, communication and/or recreational needs.

Through discussion with Mentors, students learn to apply safe and ethical practices to protect themselves and others as they interact online for learning and communicating.

YEAR 3/4

ACTDIK007 Digital Technologies Knowledge and Understanding - Identify and explore a range of digital systems with peripheral devices for different purposes, and transmit different types of data

ACTDIK008 - Digital Technologies Knowledge and Understanding - Recognise different types of data and explore how the same data can be represented in different ways

ACTDIP009 - Digital Technologies Processes and Production Skills - Collect, access and present different types of data using simple software to create information and solve problems

ACTDIP010 - Digital Technologies Processes and Production Skills - Define simple problems, and describe and follow a sequence of steps and decisions (algorithms) needed to solve them

ACTDIP011 - Digital Technologies Processes and Production Skills - Implement simple digital solutions as visual programs with algorithms involving branching (decisions) and user input

ACTDIP012 - Digital Technologies Processes and Production Skills - Explain how student solutions and existing information systems meet common personal, school or community needs

ACTDIP013 - Digital Technologies Processes and Production Skills - Plan, create and communicate ideas and information independently and with others, applying agreed ethical and social protocols


YEAR 5/6

ACTDIK014 - Digital Technologies Knowledge and Understanding - Examine the main components of common digital systems and how they may connect together to form networks to transmit data

ACTDIK015 - Digital Technologies Knowledge and Understanding - Examine how whole numbers are used to represent all data in digital systems

ACTDIP016 - Digital Technologies Processes and Production Skills - Acquire, store and validate different types of data, and use a range of software to interpret and visualise data to create information

ACTDIP017 - Digital Technologies Processes and Production Skills - Define problems in terms of data and functional requirements drawing on previously solved problems

ACTDIP018 - Digital Technologies Processes and Production Skills -Design a user interface for a digital system

ACTDIP019 - Digital Technologies Processes and Production Skills - Design, modify and follow simple algorithms involving sequences of steps, branching, and iteration (repetition)

ACTDIP020 - Digital Technologies Processes and Production Skills - Implement digital solutions as simple visual programs involving branching, iteration (repetition), and user input

ACTDIP021 - Digital Technologies Processes and Production Skills - Explain how student solutions and existing information systems are sustainable and meet current and future local community needs

ACTDIP022 - Digital Technologies Processes and Production Skills - Plan, create and communicate ideas and information, including collaboratively online, applying agreed ethical, social and technical protocols

YEAR 7/8

ACTDIK023 - Digital Technologies Knowledge and Understanding - Investigate how data is transmitted and secured in wired, wireless and mobile networks, and how the specifications affect performance

ACTDIK024 - Digital Technologies Knowledge and Understanding - Investigate how digital systems represent text, image and audio data in binary

ACTDIP025 - Digital Technologies Processes and Production Skills - Acquire data from a range of sources and evaluate authenticity, accuracy and timeliness

ACTDIP026 - Digital Technologies Processes and Production Skills - Analyse and visualise data using a range of software to create information, and use structured data to model objects or events

ACTDIP027 - Digital Technologies Processes and Production Skills - Define and decompose real-world problems taking into account functional requirements and economic, environmental, social, technical and usability constraints

ACTDIP028 - Digital Technologies Processes and Production Skills - Design the user experience of a digital system, generating, evaluating and communicating alternative designs

ACTDIP029 - Digital Technologies Processes and Production Skills - Design algorithms represented diagrammatically and in English, and trace algorithms to predict output for a given input and to identify errors

ACTDIP030 - Digital Technologies Processes and Production Skills - Implement and modify programs with user interfaces involving branching, iteration and functions in a general-purpose programming language

ACTDIP031 - Digital Technologies Processes and Production Skills - Evaluate how student solutions and existing information systems meet needs, are innovative, and take account of future risks and sustainability

ACTDIP032 - Digital Technologies Processes and Production Skills - Plan and manage projects that create and communicate ideas and information collaboratively online, taking safety and social contexts into account

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